Dynamically update arcs with Shiny.
update_arcs( proxy, origin.lon, origin.lat, destination.lon, destination.lat, ... ) update_arcs_name(proxy, origin, destination, ...)
proxy | a proxy as returned by |
origin.lon | origin coordinates. |
origin.lat | origin coordinates. |
destination.lon | destination coordinates. |
destination.lat | destination coordinates. |
... | any other arguments to use as options. |
origin | edges. |
destination | edges. |
if (FALSE) { library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( textInput( "from", "Origin", value = "USA" ), textInput( "to", "Destination", value = "RUS" ), actionButton( "submit", "Draw arc" ), datamapsOutput("map") ) server <- function(input, output){ arc <- reactive({ data.frame(from = input$from, to = input$to) }) output$map <- renderDatamaps({ datamaps() }) observeEvent(input$submit, { datamapsProxy("map") %>% add_data(arc()) %>% update_arcs_name(from, to) }) } shinyApp(ui, server) }