Dynamically add bubble using Shiny.
update_bubbles(proxy, lon, lat, radius, color, name, ...)
proxy | a proxy as returned by |
lon, lat | coordinates of bubbles. |
radius | radius of bubbles. |
color | color of bubbles. |
name | name of bubbles. |
... | any other variable to use in tooltip. |
if (FALSE) { library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( numericInput( "lon", "Longitude", value = 50 ), numericInput( "lat", "Latitude", value = 50 ), textInput( "city", "City", value = "City" ), sliderInput( "value", "Value", min = 1, max = 4, step = 1, value = 3 ), actionButton( "sub", "Submit" ), datamapsOutput("map") ) server <- function(input, output){ coords <- data.frame(city = c("London", "New York", "Beijing", "Sydney"), lon = c(-0.1167218, -73.98002, 116.3883, 151.18518), lat = c(51.49999, 40.74998, 39.92889, -33.92001), values = 1:4) update <- reactive({ df <- data.frame(city = input$city, lon = input$lon, lat = input$lat, values = input$value) rbind.data.frame(coords, df) }) output$map <- renderDatamaps({ coords %>% datamaps() %>% add_bubbles(lon, lat, values * 2, values, city) }) observeEvent(input$sub, { datamapsProxy("map") %>% add_data(update()) %>% # pass updated data update_bubbles(lon, lat, values * 2, values, city) # update }) } shinyApp(ui, server) }